Out-takes, Gameplay and Storytelling notes, and other miscellaneous ramblings from behind the scenes at Richmond Sims.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I've never used Blogger before, I have no idea if this will work or not :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bonacorrd/Ottomas Family - Richmond

Roman Bonaccord
Age: Adult
Asp: Romance/Pleasure
LTW: WooHoo with 20 Sims
Career: Slacker - Party DJ
Romantic: Casual relationships with Helen Green, Dee Ottomas, Penny Tarro, and others.
Children: Daughter Elizabeth (Lizzie) with Helen Green.
Other Family: Siblings Remus Bonaccord, Millie Shibata
Significant Friends: Kyla Bonaccord

Dee Ottomas
Age: Adult
Asp: Pleasure/Fortune
LTW: Have 20 Dream Dates
Career: Employee – PURE Nightclub (bartender)
Romantic: Adam Centowski, Roman Bonaccord and others.
Children: Dayle (with Adam Centowski)
Other Playable Family: Parents Samantha and Peter Ottomas; Sister Sharla Ruben, Brothers David, Tommy & Peter Ottomas

Dayle Ottomas
Age: Child
Education: Public School
Family: Parents Dee Ottomas and Adam Centowski

Lizzie Bonaccord

Older Pictures: